I’m going to share something I feel a bit guilty about.
I wrote an Instagram post awhile back about how being healthy is taking things choice by choice, day by day, and making the healthier decision as much as possible. I was feeling reaaaaaaaally good about myself that day. To be clear, recent weight gain/bad eating aside, I’m lightyears from where I started and am still proud of that. But what made me think I was qualified to write something AS inspirational and sunshine and rainbows – I’m not sure. I guess I got caught up in trying to present just the good. But here’s the honest. I was totally binging on chocolate chip cookies within 24 hours of that post. Not one or two, like, legit going to town.
I freely admit I have a tendency to go full steam ahead or just abandon things all together. I do this with projects, books, eating habits… it’s why I call myself a sampler ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But obviously, I felt like a huge hypocrite and I beat myself up about it. I don’t want to say something inspirational and be all “go get em”, and then turn around and not take my own advice. But I also think part of the advice was on point… you don’t have to be on point all the time. But as much as you can. And seeing as how I have a tendency to go all in or all out – maybe Whole30 isn’t a healthy mentality for me personally.
I got a little ahead of and full of myself that day – but I think there’s something I can learn from it – day by day, choice by choice is good. Trying to hold myself to something I can’t stick to probably won’t pan out.
I’ve done Whole30 twice and I’ve learned A LOT. I totally recommend doing it once. It’s forced me to think about how I plan/shop/assess food (omg SO MUCH HIDDEN SUGAR). But I’ve always felt that paleo (which seems like the natural progression), wasn’t perfect for me. The last time I did Whole30 I really felt like it was too much meat for me personally, which of course means I’d really need to bring back some legumes and perhaps a pseudocereal like quinoa.
This, in combination with my tendency to be 100% or 0% makes me think two Whole30s are enough for me.
I haven’t found that happy medium yet. Even before even the holidays, I was definitely eating some nutritious things but mostly? I was eating crap. I’d like to make the simple change of just flipping that. Eating mostly healthy, and some crap. The 90% balance of clean eating with being a normal human.
So… I’m going to take it choice by choice. Shoot for 90%. Not all in. Not all out. Just mostly healthy 🙂
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[…] few months back I wrote a post about how I would not be doing another Whole30. While I learned a lot of great things (sugar is […]